College Roomates – Albany, NY Children’s Photographer

This beautiful Mom and I were roommates in College!    We met our Freshman year – during preseason for Field Hockey at Oneonta State!  During our Junior year,  a few of us decided to move off campus and lived together on Main Street.  She was from this area originally, and after being out of state for a while, has moved back and has a beautiful family.  We’ve been meaning to get together – for way too long… so it was so wonderful that she asked me to take their portraits this fall.  Funny how time, even a lot of time can go by, and when you’ve been close to someone in the past, it all comes flooding back.  We’ve spent some time reminiscing – and are even now planning a get together with some of our old friends. 

She’s exactly the kind of Mom I thought she would be – Amazing 🙂 

So glad we’ve reconnected…


