Get Their Attention

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Get Their Attention – Albany, NY Professional Headshots Photographs

In one day, and out the next!   So many trends seem to follow that path.  Traditionally a Headshot, was a very formal, posed image often using a solid blue or gray background.  Some corporations may still require that.   Many however, especially private business owners, are opening their eyes to the more current trend.  Non-traditional Headshots.   Onlocation sessions, and Custom Photography are making their mark in this area.  And people in business are showing just as much interest in this style as clients looking for family portraits.   So what is a non-traditional Headshot?   Well, it’s still a headshot – which means it’s generally a portraits of your face, down to about your waist.  One of the biggest differences is the background.   These sessions are often shot outdoors, or using an area of the actual business –  ie., office/sitting area/library.   A second main difference is the posing.   What do you want your image to say about you?  Confidence?  Trust?  Down to earth?  Posing can be as formal or informal as you’d like.   Depending on your career, your pose can say a lot about you and your business!  The one piece that should probably remain true to the traditional headshot is your clothing choice.  Business attire or business casual is recommended.  You don’t want your images to look like a family picture.

As you or your company consider updating professional Headshots – consider going the non-traditional route!    Your image will surely make an impression, and grab people’s attention!