Great Community Members – Albany, NY Family Photographer

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johnjoan1-copyLast weekend I had the opportunity to meet this wonderful couple.    Positive energy beamed from them  🙂  and as we got to know one another, I quickly learned about some wonderful things they do in the community!  He’s a Reverend, and she is the principal at a K-12 School.  We began at the church, in hopes to get some shots for them to use on their website!  As we walked around, a flourishing organic garden that resides in their front yard caught me eye!  They turned this entire section into a garden, sell the vegetables, and if my memory serves me right —- they proceeds to go a local mission!  I’ll have to get the specifics on it, and repost!  I always find it so heartwarming, and motivating to learn of these types of stories.  It’s so easy to just go on with your day to day life.  So easy to think you don’t have time to give back, or know how….. it’s inspiring to hear what others are doing — and how possible it is to make a positive impact in your community!

After some church photos, and a lot of laughs — we took a quick ride down to the water a few blocks from the church.  Quaint path – and the newly turning leaves added that touch of Autumn feel that makes you smile. 

I’m so glad I got to meet them, and work with them.  Really looking forward to working through the rest of their session, and sharing the images with them…
