Top Ten Boudoir Photo Tips – Albany, NY Boudoir Photographer

As I’ve launched my first Boudoir Suite Event  at the Desmond Hotel Albany, NY – many questions have come in from potential clients! 

Take a read through this…

 Boudoir Session Q & A

1. “Where do you photograph these sessions?”

Generally, right in the clients home.  I actually really love incorporating parts of your living space into the session!  Personally, I think it brings an added sexiness to the pictures!  However, that doesn’t work for everyone!  Which is why I’m thrilled to be offering these Boudoir Suite Events at beautiful hotel rooms around Albany, NY.

2. “What can I expect to spend on a Boudoir Session start to finish?”

As with any Custom Photography experience, you want to consider this an investment.  Custom Photography is, and should be very different than a mall studio session.  Price is going to reflect that.  I’ve conveniently couple the session and an album of your gallery images for any session shot at a clients home.  $695  

For the Boudoir Suite Event the pricing structure is slightly differnt. 

*Beautiful Suite at the Desmond Hotel
…*Hair/Makeup Artist available: Jodi Polsinelli Owner of ECCO Salon!
$100 for both – $120 for it to include a second up-do look

{Simply Sexy} $375
1 hour portrait session
12-15 image gallery
10 5×7 prints

{Boudoir Perfection} $550
1.5 hour portrait session
25-30 image gallery
8×8 Custom Album containing all images
Digital Music Slide Presentation

*A La Carte Ordering can be added to either Collection

3. “What do I need to bring with me for a Boudoir Session?”
I always suggest to bring more then you think you’ll need; we’ll take a look together! Ideas – men’s shirt/tie, teddy, corsette, g.belt, bras/underwear, heels, jewelery. By no means do you need to go out and purchase a collection of lingerie!!!  Bring what you have, maybe purchase 1 or 2. LOOK IN YOUR CLOSET AS WELL !

4. “I don’t love parts of my body – and I’m not super skinny. Have you worked with women like me?”

YES!! Honestly, most of us would say we have some problem spots! Myself included! I had the same conversation when I had my Boudoir session shot. A good photographer understands angles and lighting -… communicate your concerns – and they’ll make you look & feel beautiful and proud of your body!

5. “What type of poses/shots do you take?”
I mix it up! There are samples on my site
Basically, some are full body, some have more of a focus on your face, and others
are body parts, and body lines. Body lines are some of my favorite to shoot! I look at the curves and shapes, and create a high contrast, abstract image that really is viewed more as art than a Boudoir photo!

6. “I always close my eyes, fake smile etc. Can you work with that?”
Common question! Not all shots will be looking into the camera. Many will be looking away. We’ll start with those, and chat to help you relax. I also love to use the look down/close your eyes, take a breath and open trick. Works every time! Fake smiles don’t survive my sessions! I’ve cracked the toughest fake smilers:)

7. “Did you really have your own Boudoir Session done? What was it like?”
Yes! I had my own shot in March. It was nerve wracking in the beginning! You do settle in. Suggest starting with most conservative look first. Honestly,  I listened to the photographer and stylist. Remember you’re hiring professionals – communication is key, but trust them, and let them guide you through your session!

8. “What did you think about your pictures?”
Blown away! I really am not liking that I’m getting older 🙂 Wrinkles/gray hair etc. – it’s hard to explain how amazing the pics made me feel. Confident, and comfortable with my body – which I probably haven’t felt since before kids! I really mean it when I say every woman should do one, and had I known I would have done it a lot sooner!

9. “What do your past clients have to say about their sessions?”

Quotes from them… “My husband just sits and looks at the book, he can’t believe I did this for him. He loves it”

“I’ve never had more beautiful pictures taken of myself.  My husband was thrilled at how hot his wife looks.”

“This is exactly what I needed to do for ME…”

“These pictures are 10% me, and 90% your skills/photographic eye… I love them!”

“I can’t thank you enough…”

10.  “There are a few photographers in the area that shoot these, Why should I book with you?”

First of all I strongly encourage you to look around.  Your pictures are only going to be great if you’re comfortable with who is shooting them!  Being a woman,  and a mother, and out of my “prime” … I get it!  I understand body image issues, I understand wanting to feel good about the body you have today. And how important that can be in your day to day confidence.  I know people connect with me easily; I truely enjoy the session time and getting to chat with my clients. I see body shapes as art – and will provide you with beautiful portraits, as well as artistic abstracts showcasing your body lines.  And I guess lastly, I will listen to you concerns and wants, and we’ll work together to come away with nothing less than a gallery of images that make you smile from your head to your toes.